Mary Alice Sullivan’s Real Italian Spaghetti
¼ cup Olive oil
1 medium Onion
1 Can Tomatoes, about 14 to 16 oz
Lots ofGarlic
1 Can Tomato sauce, about 14 to 16 oz
1 CanTomato paste, about 8 oz
3 Tbls.Italian seasoning (see below)
1 or 2Bay leaves
½ tsp.Salt
¼ tsp.Pepper
1 Tbls.Sugar
Fry the onions in the olive oil until they are translucentbut not brown.
Add everything else in the order listed above.
There is no such thing as too much garlic.
Heat slowly, stirring a lot because the sauce is so thick it will burn on the bottom.
If you scorch it you can ruin it.
Meat balls
½ lb.Ground beef
½ lb.Breakfast sausage
½ cupBread crumbs (optional)
1 Small Onion (finely chopped)
Lots ofGarlic (finely chopped)
1 Tbls.Italian seasoning
SomeSalt and Pepper
Mix the ingredients and form into walnut sized meatballs.
Brown the meatballs in olive oil.
Add the meatballs to the sauce.
Simmer for 30 minutes, still being careful not to scorch the sauce.
Italian Seasoning: You can make your own Italian seasoning:
4 parts oregano
3 parts Marjoram
2 parts Thyme
1 part Rosmary
1 part Sage (optional)